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Gegi Öneriyor

standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image

Gegi BT Uyarıyor

12 Mayıs 2017’de 99 ülkede Türkiye’de dahil olma üzere 230.000 Bilgisayara bulaşarak 28 farklı dilde fidye talep eden WannaCry, WannaCrypt, WanaCrypt0r 2.0, Wanna Decryptor, isimli siber saldırılar başlamıştır. WannaCry, enfekte olduğu bilgisayardaki dosyaları şifreleyip yeniden erişime açılabilmesi için fidye talep etmektedir. Saldırılar Microsoft Windows’u işletim sistemlerini hedef alarak, Windows SMB protokolündeki açıktan faydalanarak sistemlere bulaşmaktadır.
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image
standard blog post with image